Version: (19.11.2023) [Fix] Changes have been made to the main menu interface, dialogs have been added when calling some commands [Fix] Fixed spontaneous shifting of the editor and vertical bar to the right by a couple of pixels when editing text for the first time [Upd] When loading the config, the first editor in the list automatically becomes active and receives input focus [Upd] Improved code for recognizing relative paths in file links [Add] Added an option to set the default text encoding for opened files [Add] Added an option to automatically detect the text encoding of files when they are opened (enabled by default) [Add] Added the ability to change the text encoding type for an open file via the context menu in the status bar [Add] Added options for Boolean constants with capitalized first letter True and False in the drop-down menu [Upd] The text validation functionality has been updated to match the file format and the corresponding items in the main menu have been changed [Add] Added choice of notation when validating JSON format: classic or extended (selected by default), in the extended notation, comments and links to files written in XVM style are recognized in the file text, in the classical notation, comments and links are perceived as syntax errors, and field names not surrounded by quotes '...' or "..." are also considered an error. [Add] Added recognition of the following syntax errors: if there is a "," or "}" or "]" after a colon, for example {key:}; if the field name has lost a quote to the left or right of itself, for example {"key: value}; if there is a comma "," before the bracket "]" or "}", for example {key: value,} [Add] Validation of *.xml and *.ini files has been implemented and corresponding options have been added to the main menu